Easter is for Food and Family

In our family, Easter has always been a day for a family get-together and to enjoy lots of great food. Generally, the weather is warm, the sun is shining and we hide the colored eggs in the backyard so the younger kids can find them. Afterward, we raid their Easter baskets for some of the candy and eat the boiled eggs or make deviled eggs then eat them. It was also a day when all the kids got a new outfit to wear when we visited my grandmother’s house. Well, all of our kids are now grown and the one grandchild I get to see is too old to go on an Easter egg hunt. Each year we told ourselves that we would go down to the beach to attend one of the sunrise services but sadly, we only got to one or two of those. Way too early in the morning even for that kind of view. And we have been traveling around for the past 5 years so I only get pictures most years. Besides easter has always been a time for pastel colors and my mom and I prefer more jewel tones in everything we make.

Funny story, the logo picture we use in all of our Southern Women Crafts advertising was a picture of my granddaughter hunting Easter eggs in our backyard in her flowing new dress and big floppy hat. Her in silhouette made a perfect picture to inspire a “Southern” lady with her basket filled with stuff. I have tried to keep the original pictures the way they were over the years as my little one will no longer wear that type of dress and hat for me.

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