Our Etsy Store is Officially Closed

Sadly, we have finally closed our Etsy Store. If you want any of our products that we had listed there you can now get them directly from us here on our SWC Online Store. We will also post some of them on our Amazon online store for those who prefer to shop on their website. We were not getting enough orders and wanted to get away from having to pay their every 4 months relisting fees and sales fees for each item. It wasn’t a big percentage but between the two it adds up every year. We would rather spend the money on new crafting materials so that we can make more colorful and unique items for our customers to buy.

Our next Southern Women Crafts Newsletter will be published and sent out on March 1, 2018. It will be longer with more information than the first two including a new article just for the newsletter, links to other helpful articles we have posted on this News Feed and from our main Southern Women Crafts blog, plus we will give you a sneak peak on articles yet to come. Hope you will sign-up to receive them before then. Check your email for a confirmation and add us as a contact so that the next newsletter will not go into your spam folder. All new subscribers will get a discount code in the confirmation email for your first purchase from our online store. You can sign up for our newsletter by


We have created a page to house the past newsletters if you should miss one.

Don’t Forget to “Like Us”, “Follow Us”. “Tweet About Us” and “Share our Posts” on your Social Media pages. Until next time. Have a great weekend.

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