Spring Is In The Air


Spring is in the air here in North Florida with warmer temperatures, more sunshine, and the occasional rain storm. The flowers have bloomed, the grass is growing and the trees have all sprouted out their new leaves. If this hasn’t happened in your area we hope it will very soon. I don’t know about you but I love the spring and fall seasons the best. Spring is a time when the weather could be really warm or just a little bit cooler. It is a time you want to get out into the local parks, maybe go fishing with the kids, canoeing or kayaking with family and/or friends and maybe get in some camping before the big bad mosquitoes come out in full-force.

We hope you take advantage of this great weather before it gets just too darn hot and get outdoors. Even if it is just to a local park for a picnic you should enjoy it. It is also a great time to get a little more exercise. We have hand crocheted water bottle carriers that you can swing around your neck and across your body that shouldn’t sag when you put an ice-cold water bottle in them. I had a lady from Cocoa Beach purchase 2 at once last month. Get yours while they last. They are machine washable, dryable and the yarn is hypoallergenic. We hand stitch in a cotton ribbon to the underside of the strap and around the inside of the carrier to help keep the bag from stretching while in use. The bag should help keep your drinks cooler a little longer and will absorb the moisture from the bottle.


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