Spring Time Buy Sparkling Items

Spring will come to the North and Western States soon, we hope, but in the meantime, it doesn’t hurt to buy yourself something sparkly to brighten your day and to give your spirits a lift. Once, the weather actually becomes spring like you can wear your new items with your new spring outfits. We are still running the St. Patrick’s Day Sale with 25% off for those who have read the March News and Updates Newsletter until the 20th. It has the Coupon Code to use when your checkout. If you haven’t received your copy of the newsletter we have added it to the Past Newsletter page. And you can automatically get April’s Newsletter by clicking down below. You just never know what we are going to post in the newsletter.

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Don’t Forget to “Like Us”, “Follow Us”. “Tweet About Us” and “Share our Posts” on your Social Media pages. Until next time. Have a great weekend.

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