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Trying New Digital Marketing Techniques

Our small handicraft business is trying out new digital marketing techniques this past month and in the weeks to come. Being in our little shop in Chiefland is no longer feasible and we will have to close soon. With this dang Covid thing, my mom being sick more than she is well, my own arthritis kicking up a storm, and not being able to spend too much on gas. Well, ya’ll all know how that goes.

Going strictly online selling requires a whole different set of tools. So we are exploring Google Products Free Listings, Facebook Online Shop Free Listings, Pinterest Regularly Schedule Posts and Pins, and creating more short videos to share on all of them including our TikTok Account. We are like our fellow crafters’ posts, occasionally remembering to make comments and sharing those as well. Once we have figured out a doable routine of posting we will share that and some of our results on our Southern Women Crafts Business Blog. If you haven’t subscribed to that one yet check it out.

In the meantime, if you are in the Chiefland, Florida area during the weekends please check our Facebook page to see if one of the Southern Women Crafters is able to be in the shop. As of today, it looks like we have a commitment from Katie for Friday and Saturday (10 am to around 2 pm)



If you have any questions about our handcrafted or even our print-on-demand designs please feel free to send us an email through our CONTACT form. For some reason, we are having trouble getting all of our calls from our toll-free number and our regular number lately. Thank you for your patience.