Upcoming Sale New Year

We hope everyone has a great New Year’s celebration but be safe out there. We are having a early spring cleaning sale in the coming New Year. January will be for 50% off Hand Crocheted items. Since we are trying out different things with the two online shops we are not really sure if what we are doing will be doing it right.


We use Woo Commerce for this eCommerce site and couldn’t import the changes to the selected products like we wanted. It accepted the sales price per item but not the start and close dates of the sales. So the products are already listed as 50% off. I tried to update the products one at a time but with such a large selection it was taking too much time. I was really hoping that importing the changes by SKU number would work. I will have to do some research and see if I can make the changes in bulk before February sales of other items.


Working with Woo Commerce the past two years have been a fair challenge but it seems to be best Free eCommerce software for WordPress out there so far. We have converted three out of four of the eCommerce websites using WooCommerce and some of Free extras. We are trying to use only those kinds of tools to help keep down the costs. There is one Free software add-on for WooCommerce that keeps erroring out and that is the WooCommerce Square integration unit. It keeps wanting to take over the inventory count and will not allow you to change it on your eCommerce site. So I just closed down the SquareUp Marketplace and decided to use only Paypal for my credit card processing.


Till next time have a great New Year and safe celebrations. More on our sale and more eCommerce tips and tricks for your handcraft business next month.