We Are Open And Ready For Business

We are open and our website is ready for business. We haven’t gotten all 1500 items ready to be purchased from our website yet but we are working on it a little bit or more every single day. You can purchase any item that already has a picture added to it. Sadly, I’m only able to update about 50 products every day if I work on it 8 to 10 hours. Mostly, it’s because my internet keeps going up and down and I do have to take a break every hour or so to stretch out the kinks. In the mean time, I am also trying to keep my other websites up-to-date.

As of today, we have over 800 items completely ready to be bought directly from our own online store. We still have all of our items listed on the other online stores so if you would rather buy from them until we are done here that is fine too. We are still having our 50% off sale on all the other websites. So please take advantage of the sale so that I won’t have to do all 1566 items! Below are the links to the other sites as well as the corresponding codes to use to get your discount.

After we finally finished adding all the items currently available as well as adding any new items we create along the way we will be upgrading the mobile side of the website to make the pages download quickly. And you can then buy everything in our store directly from your phone! Of course, I am still trying to maintain, and gain new followers on all of our Social Media accounts as well.

Till next time, y’all get to buying now and save my poor fingers from all this typing.


Our Sale begins September 1 and goes through until November 30, 2017. For this website just copy and paste the below code into your shopping cart to apply the discount!


For all of our other online stores see below:

On Amazon Handmade: Claim Code: RHOIM2IF – All custom orders are on hold for now

On Etsy: Coupon Code: HALFOFFFORMOBILESHOP – All custom orders are on hold for now

On HandmadeArtsts: 50OFFMOBILEBOUTIQUE – All custom orders are on hold for now

On SquareUp: Discount Code: 50OFFSWCFUNDRAISER – All custom order are on hold for now

Anyone wishing to purchase a CUSTOM ORDER will need to pay full-price and use our blog site to place your order: http://southernwomencrafts.com/custom-made-by-swc/