What Have You Been Crafting


With everybody on lockdown, we have all had to keep ourselves busy. We were wondering, “What Have You Been Crafting”? Mom has been crocheting up a storm trying to stay busy and not worry about our current situation. Me, I have been working on writing a new book because all my beading supplies are stored in our shop nearly 60 miles away. Crazy, I know, but where we are located the nearest place we could find that wasn’t charging an outrageous fee for small retail spaces was a flea market. Chiefland Farmers Flea Market happened to still be in business, is more flexible about the monthly vendors, and the spaces they occupy and do not even require you to move your stuff for some big event happening on the property.


I have washed Mom’s new creations and will be taking pictures of those over the next couple of weeks. We have finally been allowed back into our shop this past weekend. I spent most of the time just dusting off the displays and jewelry. The winter crocheted stuff had already been put away before the lockdown so the only left on display were the purses, scrunchies, hats, and drink holders. Those all got a thorough shaking off. We will be slowly washing up all those items anyway as we do every year. It is also time to relabel and retag everything. All the tags and jewelry cards need to be freshened up. I ordered those today and we will slowly be changing those out over the next several weeks.


Most of the vendors I follow on Facebook from the Market have been sewing their little fingers to the bone creating facemasks in every variety of shape, color, and pattern. The three or four vendors that I talked to stated that they were selling like hotcakes. Well, more power to em and everyone should have a couple on hand just in case. Personally, I cannot stand the things. I couldn’t stand them when I worked at the hospital and I certainly cannot take them now. I bought two, one for me in green, of course, and one for Mom in purple. I even went so far as to put one on but my dang glasses kept foggy up.


We will have to find something that I like to make that people will like to buy in the same amounts. But for now, we hope you will come on by our little shop at the Chiefland Farmers Flea Market this weekend from 10-3 pm. Of course, you can always order online and come by and pick your items up in you live in the area. Have a great weekend and share the pictures of the items you have been making.