Get Cozy With Our Coozies


This spring we hope you and your family are heading out to have a picnic, camping or even just a day of fishing. None of those activities can be complete with a couple of our hand-crocheted coozies or should I say Koozies. Since the “k” word is considered a copyright protected term we just call them drink and bottle holders. We make them in three different sizes to hold regular drink cans, beer and baby bottles and the taller sports drink cans. They are machine washable, dryable and the yarn is hypoallergenic. They come in a wide variety of bright and dark colors too.

Now we don’t condone bringing alcoholic beverages to parks that forbid them but if you really must have an ice-cold beer while you are barbecuing at the local public park you really should put them into a drink holder of some kind. Our hand-crocheted ones help to keep them cooler a little bit longer too. The moisture from the can or bottle is absorbed into the yarn so that they don’t drip onto your clothes or leave wet spots on the table. And when you get back home just throw them into the washer and dryer for next time.

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